The Cost of Comfort

The Cost of Comfort

How much longer are you willing to go without living the life you always think of? For me, I just don't have the time any more. I'm in a place now where I want much more for myself. It has become that simple. I WANT MORE.

 Lately, I have been seeing people post memes and different quotes about how in order to see change you have to do something different. I'm starting to take it as a sign that I took the right step! This year I put work into something that I've always wanted to see come to fruition, my writing in the style of a blog. I have journals and notepads with so many ideas from years ago that I never put to action. This year I decided to do something about it.

Prior to the beginning of 2017, I liked being comfortable. I hated things and people that jumbled up routine or my comfort. So much that I stayed friends with people that had no business in my life, dated men who had no intentions for me, and stayed at jobs that did nothing for me (and nothing for them). I'm not sure what triggered me this year to do something totally out of my comfort zone but I'm glad I did. Maybe it was realizing that the way I've been conducting my life hasn't brought me any results that I'm terribly fond of. Sure, I have the basic accolades (graduation, jobs, etc) but nothing that really stands out. Nothing to show for the 25 years I've been here. (ok, I'll give myself a break; 7 years of really being on my own to make decisions. Shout out to my mom for the other 18 that rocked!)

I've come to the realization that there is so much on the other side of comfort. Almost everything we've ever dreamed of is there but it is the getting there that is daunting. At the beginning of this year, I made a promise to myself to do more things that I deem uncomfortable. That means going to events solo, putting projects out that no one may like (besides my family and friends...and even sometimes they don't support), and putting myself out there. "Putting myself out there" seems so cliché and vague. However, to me it encompasses everything that I want to do to get me where I want to be. Think about it, how long have you been living the same old life while dreaming of one that you know you are deserving of? Never once thinking outside of YOUR box. There is a lot outside of your circle of friends that you've been tolerating for the past 15 years, there is so much on the other side of that relationship that you know isn't going anywhere, and there are so many things outside of that job that you keep telling yourself to stay in because you may feel guilty for leaving.

I dare you to try and deviate from your normal routine. Start with the people you surround yourself with. This does not mean ditch the people you love, but it does mean reach out to people who are like minded. Maybe you have a project you want to do or business you want to start. And maybe the people you've been friends with for years don't see that happening. They don't see it because it isn't something that speaks to them. It's on you to get around folks who get it and who are hungry for opportunity and want to build something on their own. 

Next, romantic relationships. Now this topic alone deserves its own post, which is coming soon but let's make this a long story short shall we? Maybe go for the person that doesn't remind of your ex. Or perhaps you go for someone who actually makes you happy! When it comes to dating, it is so easy to get stuck in a pattern of selecting partners and then stuck in a routine in a relationship. How dope would it be if we went after people that made us uncomfortable (in a good way)? Someone who drives you to do better versus brings you down. Someone who genuinely loves you and has an interest in protecting your heart versus leaving you to grind it out on your own. 

Lastly, careers and jobs. 

I believe that we all  have an audience, I believe that there is someone waiting on our work and what we each have to offer. We can't reach that audience or that one person by continuing to do the basic things we've always done. The level up is overdue. Throughout this next month I want to hone in on what it is I want my life to look like in the next 5-10 years. Where I want to be working, what city do I want to be living in, etc. Having a written down outlook and outline will enable my current search to be more specific. Instead of hopping on to any opportunity that crosses my way, I intend to pursue opportunities that are more conducive to where I see myself going in the next 10 years or so.

I dare you to join me. We kinda deserve it.



That's What I Like

That's What I Like

Tony Gaskins : Real Love Tour

Tony Gaskins : Real Love Tour